Subscribe & Save 10% All Year!
Never pay full price for protein snacks again!
Subscription Perks
Subscription FAQ's
To sign up for recurring orders with us, please choose the option 'Subscribe & Save (10%)', rather than 'One Time' when placing your order. Simply hit "Add to Cart" and your subscription will be added to your cart!
First, log into your account by clicking the Profile/Main Menu icon in the top corner of the screen, and selecting "Account". Once logged into your account, simply click on "Manage Subscriptions"
Once logged into your subscription account, simply navigate to the "Subscriptions" section, which will display all active subscriptions. Click on "Manage Subscription", and see the buttons to pause, skip next order, gift next order, or scroll down and click on "Cancel Subscription"
Absolutely! Simply navigate to the 'Subscriptions' section in your account and click on "Manage subscription." You can add additional products (at an exclusive discount), and even swap flavors for your next order!
Within your subscription portal, you can see the shipment date of all active subscriptions. You will receive an email several days before your order ships. All orders will deliver within 3-5 business days of shipment.
Your order will be charged when it ships from our warehouse. This charge will reoccur based on the frequency of the subscription that you chose, and bill to the payment method that is connected to the subscription. It will continue to occur until you cancel the subscription. All payment information and methods can be managed within your subscription portal.
At this time, our Popped Protein Chips and Bundles are not eligible for subscriptions.
With regards to our Bundles, you can add each product individually and save even more than our bundle discount :)
Discount codes do not apply to subscriptions.
Simply message us on the chat app of our website, or contact us at this link